Real Estate


1+ billion CZK
Investors’ funds invested in the fund have already reached an appreciation of more than 1 bn CZK
the performance of CZK units since inception
+6% p.a.
expected yield for the year 2025

About the fund

Stable and diversified investments with low risk since 2016.

The Czech Real Estate Investment Fund, established in 2016, focuses on investments in existing commercial real estate in the Czech Republic and Poland, mainly in the retail, warehousing and light manufacturing sectors. Its strategy is aimed at conservative investors who prefer long-term stable appreciation with lower risk, benefiting from a high-quality rental real estate portfolio.

The fund maintains a high diversification of tenants, rental yields and locations across the Czech Republic and Poland. One of the Fund‘s recent acquisitions is an investment in residential units that are leased to tenants with long-term contracts. This provides investors with stability of returns from over three hundred commercial tenants and more than three hundred and twenty residential tenants.

On the market since 2016

27 international real estate projects

300+ quality tenants

Investment strategy

The fund strategy is based on the acquisition of commercial real estate with a suitable structure of lessees and a permanent stable return that can be predicted based on concluded long-term lease agreements. The planned return on share certificates for investors is 6%. The fund primarily focuses on regional retail parks with a dominant weight of sellers of foodstuffs and essential needs (groceries, pharmacies, drug stores, etc.), and on logistics buildings and light manufacturing premises. The selected strategy has shown to be correct and resilient to unexpected crises in the past years.

SC Haná Olomouc

Why invest with us

Portfolio segment and regional diversification

We invest in various segments of commercial real estate in the entire Czech Republic and Poland. Lots of buildings, hundreds of creditworthy lessees and orientation on regions ensure the stability of the portfolio and its returns thanks to their diversification.

Creditworthy lessees with long-term contracts

Correct mix of lessees and long-term lease agreements are a key for stable income of the funds. The lessees are mainly large and financially strong multinational chains. The portfolio is characterised by its high and growing length of lease agreements.

Quality facility and property management

The care of the physical condition of buildings and quality of lease relationships has a significant impact on increasing the market value of properties and appreciation of invested funds. We look after more than 300 lessees in tens of properties in the Czech Republic and Poland.

Graph of the fund rate of return

Since its establishment, the fund brings a regular and stable yield to investors. Thanks to orientation on retail real estate, the level of risk is low.

Income tables

Estimated return on one-off investment

The calculation assumes an appreciation of 6% p.a. based on a moderate assumption for the future period. Entry fee of 2.5%.

Estimated return in CZK

Submitted1 year3 years5 years10 years
CZK 50,000CZK 1,675CZK 8,062CZK 15,238CZK 37,304
CZK 100,000CZK 3,350CZK 16,124CZK 30,477CZK 74,608
CZK 150,000CZK 5,025CZK 24,186CZK 45,715CZK 111,911
CZK 200,000CZK 6,700CZK 32,248CZK 60,954CZK 149,215
CZK 250,000CZK 8,375CZK 40,310CZK 76,192CZK 186,519
CZK 500,000CZK 16,750CZK 80,620CZK 152,385CZK 373,038
CZK 750,000CZK 25,125CZK 120,930CZK 228,577CZK 559,557
CZK 1,000,000CZK 33,500CZK 161,241CZK 304,770CZK 746,077

Estimated return in EUR

Submitted1 year3 years5 years10 years
EUR 2,000EUR 67EUR 322EUR 610EUR 1,492
EUR 4,000EUR 134EUR 645EUR 1,219EUR 2,984
EUR 6,000EUR 201EUR 967EUR 1,829EUR 4,476
EUR 8,000EUR 268EUR 1,290EUR 2,438EUR 5,969
EUR 10,000EUR 335EUR 1,612EUR 3,048EUR 7,461
EUR 20,000EUR 670EUR 3,225EUR 6,095EUR 14,922
EUR 30,000EUR 1,005EUR 4,837EUR 9,143EUR 22,382
EUR 40,000EUR 1,340EUR 6,450EUR 12,191EUR 29,843

Our lessees

Basic information for investor

Name of the instrument (CZK)


Name of the instrument (EUR)


Fund Manager

CAIAC Fund Management AG

Recommended investment horizon

3 years


LI0294389098 (CZK), LI1279595865 (EUR)

Investment category

Real estate and real estate companies

TER (total expense ratio) of real estate and real estate company

1.01 % p.a. (CZK), 1.01 % p.a. (EUR)





Supervisory body

FMA Liechtenstein

Investment region

Czech Republic


Kaiser Partner Privatbank AG



Our satisfied investors

Statutory information – notice for investors

CZECH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND is investment fund which is based in Lichtenstein and which is managed by the Lichtenstein investment company CAIAC Fund Management AG. The Fund is an alternative investment fund within the meaning of Directive 2011/61/ EU of the Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative Investment Fund Managers. Within the meaning of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Management Companies and Investment Funds, as amended (the “Fund”), the Fund is a so-called foreign investment fund comparable to a special fund.

The Fund is included in the list of foreign investment funds kept by the Czech National Bank according to Section 597 (e) of the Act, and thus investments in the Fund may be publicly offered in the Czech Republic. According to its Statute/Prospectus, the Fund may invest in real estate properties and real estate companies or, if relevant, other supplementary assets.

The exclusive distributor of investments in the Fund in the Czech Republic is EFEKTA obchodník s cennými papíry a.s. The information provided herein is for reference only.

This document is neither an analysis of investment opportunities, nor an investment recommendation. We recommend that investors thoroughly review the publicly available information on the relevant product, such as the fund’s Statute and the Key Investor Information Document, before making any investment decision.

The value of a unit in the Fund may fluctuate. Past performance of the Fund does not guarantee similar returns in the future. Investing in investment instruments generally involves certain risks which arise mainly from the nature of each particular investment instrument, as well as from the statutory provisions and from the customs prevailing in the relevant financial markets or countries.

Investors fully assume the risk of their investments, including the risk of potential loss. Investment instruments involve, for example, the issuer’s credit risk and the risk of fluctuation in the value of securities. Even conservative investments are not completely free of risks. However, it is possible to reduce risks especially through diversification, i.e. by distributing the portfolio assets and by regularly and actively monitoring the investment.

More information is available to investors in the Key Investor Information Document and/or in the Fund’s Statute/Prospectus (both are available in the Czech language on

Frequently asked questions

What is the open-end real estate mutual fund?

The open-end real estate mutual fund is intended for all investors on the market who want to invest in real estate together with other investors, and to achieve a better appreciation of their investments thanks to collective investing.

What is the minimum investment in the REAL ESTATE fund?

The recommended minimum investment is CZK 500 or 125 EUR. You can invest only once, or regularly based on the preferences and possibilities of a particular investor.

How long do I need to leave my investment in the fund, and how long does it take to withdraw it?

The minimum investment period is not set. Investing, however, needs to be understood as a long-term process, and your personal investment horizon should ideally be no shorter than 3 years, also because of the “tax test”, where, after expiry of this period, the income from the sale of a share certificate is not subject to tax. So the recommended investment period is at least 3 years for CZK fond or 4 years for EUR fond. But if you need to withdraw your investment sooner, a three-month period is required.

What is the entry fee?

An initial fee for arranging an investment is required by the funds, the amount of which depends on the invested amount (but is not higher than 5% of the invested amount). In the event of regular investments, there are several options of how to pay this fee. You will find a detailed list on the website of EFEKTA obchodník s cennými papíry a.s., which is the exclusive distributor of the fund in the territory of the Czech Republic, or please ask your investment consultant and arrange a meeting at a branch.

How does an investment in the fund exactly work?

The Real Estate fund focuses on acquisitions and long-term possession of commercial properties. From money invested, the fund buys suitable investments, complying with the set strategy and generating a stable income in the long term. From the total yield, shares to investors are then paid. If a specific property does not comply with the strategy set by the fund, it can be sold into the market.

Who ensures the fund administration?

The fund administrator and manager is CAIAC Fund Management AG, a leading Lichtenstein investment company that supervises all activities of the fund, decides on its strategy, legal and business aspects, acquisitions and sales of properties. In addition to international authorities of the EU, the regulations of Czech authorities, namely the Czech National Bank, also apply to the fund.

Who looks after the properties in the fund?

The management and operation of the properties and relationships with lessees are ensured by Real Estate Facility Management a.s., a management company which is a member of DRFG, an investment group that is the fund founder. Real Estate Facility Management a.s. regularly reports its activities to the fund administrator – CAIAC Fund Management AG, a leading Lichtenstein investment company that ensures all relevant underlying information for correct decisions of the administrator and the fund founder.

How can I monitor the fund’s performance?

Investors are informed on the current performance of the fund in regular reports that are sent to their contact address. The fund publishes the Annual Report on the fund’s activities every year. These and other materials are also published on the fund’s website and on the websites of the fund administrator and manager: CAIAC Fund Management AG.

Who is the founder of the fund?

The founder of the fund is DRFG, an investment group that focuses on investments in real estate, telecommunications and financial services. In real estate, they have gained years of experience in acquisitions and management of retail, warehousing and office properties throughout the Czech Republic. In 2021, they ensured the technical administration and operation of properties exceeding CZK 8.73 billion.

More questions?

If you have more questions regarding this fund, or if you want to contact our representative directly, you can use the link below, and we will get back to you soon.

The CZECH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND is a Liechtenstein real estate fund investing exclusively in real estate assets in the territory of the Czech Republic approved for sale and public offering in the Czech Republic and Liechtenstein.


The information provided herein is not an offer

The information provided on the CZECH FUND website should not be considered an offer or recommendation. The information on the website is not intended for any specific persons. It is intended for all visitors who may have a general interest in the CZECH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND.

Non-binding nature of messages published here

CZECH FUND is not the manager of the CZECH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND, which is managed by the Liechtenstein asset manager CAIAC Fund Management AG. Despite the utmost care in compiling content, CZECH FUND accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information provided herein. The content of the website may be changed at any time without prior notice. No investment or other decisions may be based on the information provided herein. We recommend consulting with an investment advisor before making any investment decision.

Risk warning

Please note that the value of an investment can go down as well as up. Past performance of the particular investment is not a reliable indicator of future yields. Investments are generally subject to high volatility. Please pay close attention to the description of risks in the fund’s statutes/prospectus.


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Warning about internet scams

More info

We have noticed that in recent days there have been many cases of fraud and misuse of the CZECH FUND brand, especially on the social network Facebook. Fraudsters pose as representatives of CZECH FUND and lure funds from users with the prospect of multiple appreciation of the deposit in a matter of hours.

Please be cautious and always use the services of authorized financial specialists to purchase our products.

If you are one of the victims, please contact us at Thank you.