Real Estate
Open-end Mutual Fund
- Real Estate fund for conservative investors
- Stable return with low risk
- Commercial rental income
- 6% projected yield for 2024
Qualified Investor Fund
- Czech Development Fund SICAV, a.s.
- Fund focused on development
- Attractive returns up to 9% p.a.
- Returns on real estate development and sales
What are investment funds?
CZECH FUND is an original Czech brand of investment funds focusing on real estate investments in Central Europe. Real estate funds gather investors’ funds and enable them to share returns on billions of assets while reducing the investment cost – low deposits.
Based on your preferences, you can invest in existing properties with a stable yield and low volatility (CZECH REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT FUND), or you may opt for longer-term investment in development projects that offer more attractive yields (CZECH DEVELOPMENT FUND SICAV, a.s.).
Travel the world, invest at home.
Advantages of investing in investment funds
Continuous deposits and withdrawals
You may deposit money to the funds continuously, or withdraw funds at any time.
Income tax exempt
If your investment lasts longer than 3 years, the sale of securities done by individuals is exempt from income tax.
Regulated business
The funds are under close control of the fund administrator, deposit clerk and auditor, and it is also regulated by CNB.
Detailed analysis
Preparation of new projects and real estate before buying new properties for the fund takes many months and is carefully monitored in terms of financial, legislative and processing aspects.
Assets under control
Your money is deposited in projects owned by the funds through individual real estate SPV and funds, or rather by the relevant fund administrators who have absolute control.
Openness and communication
We organise meetings for clients and potential investors, send regular reports on the fund’s performance including other relevant market information. You can also arrange a non-binding individual meeting with an investment consultant.
Write to us
Contact us and we will get back to you.